We love to partner with Orgs who see good design as a good business factor.

In a 1966 memo, "good design is good business" came from T. J. Watson Jr.— to all of IBM. The phrase is that old.

Synthesis of data, finding new possibilities, bringing a fresh perspective and forming new human experiences is central to our work. 

The Origin

We think design can make positive, lasting outcomes — tailor-made to Orgs. Fruitfly (FF) Design stems from an informed intuition to use design as a tool to make positive change for people. Building intentional work habits that inspire creative workflows, excited teams and
design-driven culture.

Fruitfly is young but the practice is not. The studio has been shaped after 12 years of industry experience across diverse applications of design — from branding to information design, product to service design, strategy to systems approach — for startups, mid-sized companies, NGOs and institutions.  

Our practice is invested in learning causal information to draw insights, define quality feedback loops to help businesses learn from their data, users and team ops. 
Chief Fruitfly, Sheel

In a human avatar, Fruitfly is a woman, ready to build teams (visually).

Bringing the design lens to everyone with utmost enthusiasm to inspire and stay curious.

Sheel Damani
Hello and Namaste!

Why on earth are we called Fruitfly Design?

We like the sound of it, but we dig the fly’s behaviour and powers even more. Their vision is one of the strongest in the animal kingdom. They are tough survivors, and their existence has helped mankind invent the field of genetics in a breeze.
Curious? read more.